The knowledge that you or a loved one needs help dealing with substance addiction or use is a scary experience. The planning process, even for the hundredths time, can be stressful. If you are entering a drug rehabilitation center for the first time, the chances are high that you do not know the steps to follow or even what to expect. In most cases, many people get worried about leaving family obligations, bills, or jobs. However, it is important to know that you can deal with such worries with proper preparation. This post is a guide to help you plan well for drug and alcohol rehab.
5 Steps to Prepare for Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Taking the right steps when planning for inpatient treatment for drug and alcohol abuse can give you the peace of mind you need to remain focused and maintain sobriety as you recover. Here are key steps to help you plan for your next inpatient drug and alcohol abuse treatment.
1. Delegate Your Family and Work Obligations
If you are worried about your work and family obligations, the best thing to do is to delegate them before you go for the treatment. If you are employed, talk to your employer about your treatment. Any understanding employer will not have any issue offering you a medical leave and delegating your duties to someone reliable. As a parent or guardian, find someone trustworthy and responsible to take care of your family while you undergo the treatment.
2. Explore the Available Options
What comes into the minds of many people when they hear the phrase “treatment for addiction” is a residential rehabilitation facility or detox. Detox is not a treatment since it only focuses on addressing physical withdrawal symptoms. You have a variety of options to consider for substance use treatment, so it is important you learn about the available options.
Make sure that the option you settle for can address all your issues – social, emotional, psychological, and physical – satisfactorily. In most cases, going through a thorough assessment will help establish the best care for your specific needs.
3. Address all Your Financial Needs Beforehand
Inpatient treatment for drug and alcohol abuse can take longer than you expect. In case of a prolonged rehab stay, your financial and bills obligations can be affected. So, it is advisable you make prior arrangement for your financial needs. You can assign a trusted friend or family member the responsibility of paying your bills or even arrange for auto payments. No one wishes to come from a rehab to start dealing with financial stresses.
4. Consider Your Finances
Being prepared for inpatient drug and alcohol rehab means being ready and able to cater for all the monetary obligations. If you have an insurance cover, make sure you understand what treatment benefits you can enjoy and what aspects will need you paying from your pocket. You do not want to find yourself with a bill you cannot foot.
In case your insurance does not cover some aspects of your treatment, it is advisable to try Federal or state-based programs or even get help from other providers. Remember that there are providers offering such help but if only you ask.
5. Find a Reliable Provider
The success of your rehabilitation journey largely depends on the provider you choose. Use the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s database to find the best treatment provider. However, make sure that before you begin your search, make sure you have some insights about various aspects of the treatment such as accepted payment types, care provided, and the treatment setting.
Get the Right Help on Drug and Alcohol Rehab!
There is no doubt that recovery from drug and alcohol addiction can be time-consuming and often forces you to leave your job, home, and other daily activities. Additionally, joining a rehab center can be scary and stressful. However, proper planning can guarantee you an effortless start. If you or any of your close friends or family members are considering going for a drug and alcohol rehab treatment, the team at Fairwinds Treatment Center is here to help get you started on the road to recovery.