Alcohol and Drug Rehab for Seniors near Tampa, Florida

Addiction Treatment for Seniors

It's never too late to be sober

The rate of drug and alcohol abuse in our elderly population has been growing steadily over the past ten years, and it is projected to get much worse, without an end in sight. While addiction problems can happen to anyone, our elderly population is at a disadvantage because they may not recognize when it is time to ask for help. Rehab for seniors, specifically based upon their particular needs, is a much-needed intervention, one that is long overdue. Whether it’s our parents, one of our brothers and sisters, or even ourselves, intervention is necessary if a problem is identified. How do drugs affect older people, and why are the rates of abuse rising? Learn more about Fairwinds Treatment Center’s addiction treatment programs.

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The Fairwinds Difference

How Does Drug and Alcohol Abuse Effect Older People?

Everyone goes through serious life changes, and they seem to increase in intensity the older we get. Our kids are growing up, moving out, and living their own lives. We are either thinking of retiring, or we have already done so. If we are lucky enough to still have our parents, we may be taking care of them. Their mental health takes a toll. The changes, or transitions, people continue to endure disrupt a certain routine that they established over time, one they have lived, and relied on, for decades. The natural aging of our bodies leaves us susceptible to injuries and disease. It also makes us more sensitive to the effects of the substances we take in. Our health isn’t what it used to be. Many friends, neighbors, and family members are suffering from mental illness that developed over years of hard transitions. The use of drugs and excessive alcohol doesn’t seem so dangerous to someone who is depressed, and even scared, about coming near the end of their lives. Intervention is necessary.

It's Never Too Late to Take Your Life Back

Symptoms of Alcoholism

It’s hard to recognize alcoholism. For many people, going out for a few beers with friends after work or reclining on the couch with a glass of wine has become the norm. If you believe that you or someone you love may be addicted to alcohol, watch for these warning signs:

Programs for Every Part of Your Journey

At Fairwinds Treatment Center, we know that the circumstances that led to your addiction are different from others suffering from the same condition. We take pride in creating an individualized treatment plan for you, every step of the way. A dedicated team of psychiatrists, nurses, physicians and therapists monitors your progress and makes adjustments as needed to ensure your continued success. There are varying levels of treatment for every patient, depending on their progress. These may include:
The first step of a personalized care program, which includes a dual diagnosis screening for underlying mental health issues.
A critical part of the recovery process in which your body eliminates harmful substances. Though Fairwinds does not offer an in-house detox program, we work with your detox provider to safely and comfortably transition you into our care.

an experienced treatment team will help you determine which level of care is most appropriate for your program:

  • Inpatient Rehab: the best option for people with mental and medical complications that result from addiction, as it includes immediate supervision and potentially life-saving medical care.
  • Residential Rehab: a safe, welcoming environment with daily structure to prevent you from reverting to dangerous habits. ○ Partial Hospitalization: hybrid model that allows for the flexibility of commuting to daily rehab treatment while living at home.
  • Intensive Outpatient Rehab: hybrid model that includes several weekly therapy sessions, including individual and group.
  • Outpatient Rehab: an option for those who are motivated and dedicated to recovery to attend regular meetings with a treatment team while living at home.

an experienced treatment team will help you determine which level of care is most appropriate for your program:

  • Inpatient Rehab: the best option for people with mental and medical complications that result from addiction, as it includes immediate supervision and potentially life-saving medical care.
  • Residential Rehab: a safe, welcoming environment with daily structure to prevent you from reverting to dangerous habits. ○ Partial Hospitalization: hybrid model that allows for the flexibility of commuting to daily rehab treatment while living at home.
  • Intensive Outpatient Rehab: hybrid model that includes several weekly therapy sessions, including individual and group.
  • Outpatient Rehab: an option for those who are motivated and dedicated to recovery to attend regular meetings with a treatment team while living at home.
“Life is not always a bed of roses, but those times will not be filled with alcohol. I want to continue to feel this good!”
Fairwinds Treatment Center Tampa FL

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