Alcoholism Clearwater, FL

Rehab &Treatment for Alcoholism in the Clearwater, FL, Area

Alcohol addiction can happen to anyone—and so can recovery. When you turn to our alcohol treatment center in the Clearwater, Florida, area for assistance, know you are on the right path. Since 1989, Fairwinds Treatment Center’s mission has been to bring families together by delivering high-quality, evidence-based treatments to address the complex challenges facing those suffering from substance abuse. We strive to educate patients about their condition and equip them with the tools necessary to lead healthy, happy lives.

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The Fairwinds Difference

Understanding Alcoholism and Rehab

Drinking alcohol releases endorphins in your brain. These endorphins make you feel good in the moment—but they can also slowly rewire your brain to become more dependent on drinking alcohol to feel the same way later. There is no single way to predict who may become more dependent. Genetic and environmental factors both play a role in one’s tendency toward addiction. Mental health can also contribute to a drinking problem. Many people who are addicted to alcohol may also suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety, and/or depression.

Why Seek Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

The first step toward overcoming any problem is recognizing its existence. To overcome an alcohol addiction, you must acknowledge that you have a problem. This may be easier said than done; after all, how do you know if you’re addicted? And what exactly does “addicted” mean anyway? An experienced therapist at Fairwinds Treatment Center can connect all the dots for you by unmasking your symptoms and helping you identify the underlying causes. 


In addition to identifying whether or not you have an addiction, you also want to know about the benefits of getting help. These include:

  • Getting the support you need to stay sober.
  • Finding lasting sobriety.
  • Learning new ways to cope with life without alcohol.
  • Discovering healthier ways to deal with stress.
  • Becoming part of a community of others who share your experience.
  • Reaching out for counseling and therapy.
  • Reducing the chances of relapsing into another episode of drinking or using drugs.
  • Improving relationships with family members and friends.
  • Being able to live a productive, satisfying life.

Why Choose Fairwinds Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

At Fairwinds Treatment Center, we offer a safe environment where you’ll receive the most effective alcohol addiction treatment. You’ll find that our facility provides everything you need to begin your journey to healthy living. We’ve got plenty of space to accommodate everyone, from comfortable sleeping quarters to spacious group rooms. And because we believe that everyone deserves to feel like they belong here, we make sure that you always feel welcome.


Here are a few more reasons you should choose Fairwinds as your go-to drug and alcohol rehabilitation center:


Highly Trained Staff

Our team comprises top physicians, counselors, therapists, and medical professionals behavioral health experts. We work together to ensure that you receive the very best treatment available.


Individualized Treatment Plans

We understand that no two addictions are alike. That’s why we tailor our services to fit your particular situation. Whether you require intensive outpatient care or residential treatment, we will design a plan specifically suited to your needs.


Outstanding Amenities

At Fairwinds, we take pride in providing the very best facilities. The goal is to ensure you feel extremely comfortable and relaxed during your time here, aiding your recovery. So you’ll enjoy a clean, well-maintained environment, complete with modern technology and state-of-the-art equipment.


24/7 Availability

If you ever have questions or concerns, we’re only a phone call away. You can reach us at (800) 226-0301, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Psychiatric Focus

We’re one of the few centers in Tampa Bay and Clearwater areas that base their programs around psychiatric care. We want to help you learn to manage your mental illness so that it doesn’t interfere with your ability to recover from alcoholism. That’s why you’ll have a session with a qualified psychiatrist every day as part of your rehab program.


Compassionate Care

Because we genuinely care about each person who comes through our doors, we provide compassionate care. We don’t just treat you; we get to know you too. This allows us to better understand what makes you tick and how to best address your specific issues.

Treatment for Alcoholism at Fairwinds Treatment Center

Symptoms of Alcoholism

It’s hard to recognize alcoholism. For many people, going out for a few beers with friends after work or reclining on the couch with a glass of wine has become the norm. If you believe that you or someone you love may be addicted to alcohol, watch for these warning signs:

Programs for Every Part of Your Journey

At Fairwinds Treatment Center, we know that the circumstances that led to your addiction are different from others suffering from the same condition. We take pride in creating an individualized treatment plan for you, every step of the way. A dedicated team of psychiatrists, nurses, physicians, and therapists monitors your progress and makes adjustments as needed to ensure your continued success. There are varying levels of treatment for every patient, depending on their progress. These may include:

The first step of a personalized care program, which includes a dual diagnosis screening for underlying mental health issues.
A critical part of the recovery process in which your body eliminates harmful substances. Though Fairwinds does not offer an in-house detox program, we work with your detox provider to safely and comfortably transition you into our care.

an experienced treatment team will help you determine which level of care is most appropriate for your program:

  • Inpatient Rehab: the best option for people with mental and medical complications that result from addiction, as it includes immediate supervision and potentially life-saving medical care.
  • Residential Rehab: a safe, welcoming environment with daily structure to prevent you from reverting to dangerous habits. ○ Partial Hospitalization: hybrid model that allows for the flexibility of commuting to daily rehab treatment while living at home.
  • Partial Hospitalization: a hybrid model that allows for the flexibility of commuting to daily rehab treatment while living at home.
  • Intensive Outpatient Rehab: hybrid model that includes several weekly therapy sessions, including individual and group.
  • Outpatient Rehab: an option for those who are motivated and dedicated to recovery to attend regular meetings with a treatment team while living at home.
“Life is not always a bed of roses, but those times will not be filled with alcohol. I want to continue to feel this good!”

Seek Treatment Today

Fairwinds Treatment Center is a leading provider of various levels of care for individuals in the Clearwater, FL, area suffering from substance use disorders such as alcohol addiction. Contact us today to take the first step towards recovering from alcoholism.

Fairwinds Treatment Center Tampa FL

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