Intensive OutPatient
for Addictions
Intensive Outpatient Program for Addictions
Fairwinds Treatment Center offers Intensive Outpatient (IOP) for alcohol and drug addiction. This is best applied to patients who don’t need a medically advised detox and can continue their recovery on a part-time basis outside of our facilities. However, don’t assume the program becomes lax because the patient’s personal schedule becomes more flexible. Patients still take part in a rigorous plan that helps them learn a range of valuable skills, such as how to cope with drug and alcohol cravings, improve their decision-making, reestablish and develop healthier relationships and discover new ways to manage stress.
Our intensive outpatient program involves personalized support, group therapy sessions and educational opportunities to prevent relapse. Our staff uses the dual-diagnosis process to treat both the condition and its underlying causes. This ensures patients receive well-rounded support from the first day of treatment to the last.
Because so many treatment programs exist, it can often be difficult for people to choose one for their friend or family member. If you find yourself in this position, don’t worry, we’re here to help. When your loved one visits our facility, our professional staff will meet them, analyze his or her current condition and state of health and develop an individualized recovery plan that suits only them.
If you would like more information, don’t hesitate to call our facilities. We’d be happy to answer any questions regarding your loved one’s addiction and set up an appointment to meet with them.
The IOP Program
Summary of Topics Covered
Nutrition Education, Medical Complications and Medication Education, CBT/DBT/Art Therapy, Process Groups, Mindfulness and Life Skills
Our nutrition philosophy utilizes a non-diet approach to address each patient’s individual treatment plan which allows patients to plan and process the experience of eating meals that may not be within their comfort zone. At this level of care, patients will bring their own meals that are planned out with our Registered Dietician ahead of time. Consideration will be made to accommodate allergies and if you have a current nutritionist that you are working with. It is understood that the meal support part of the program may be the most difficult experience and patients are supported in their efforts to consume food in a safe environment.
Tools such as, intuitive eating, journaling, menu planning and various experiential activities, including eating out in restaurants and clothes shopping, help develop the diversified and structural curriculum necessary to facilitate nutritional recovery.
Families are an integral component of a recovery support team and weekly progress reports will be provided to your loved ones.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Schedule
Monday- Wade (Therapist) and Saudia (Art Therapist)
Tuesday- Kourtney (Nutritionist) and Elizabeth (Nurse)
Thursday- Julie (Therapist) and Gus (Psychologist)
The group time is 5-8pm each evening. The first hour is set as a group therapy session, followed by an hour for dinner and the last hour is another group therapy session.
On Thursdays, Dr. Powers will meet with the patients on a 1:1 basis in addition to the group therapy offered that evening. We do require that patients also continue to see their own outpatient providers while they are in the program. If a potential patient does not have outside providers, our team will assist in helping to locate an appropriate team.
Our Mission of Hope
Our mission is to give hope to you and your loved ones. We work every day to help repair the emotional and physical injuries that your loved one is suffering from. While our methods are customized to each patient, our goals are the same:
- Achieve a healthy, stable body weight
- Treat the physiological problems resulting from the condition
- Normalize eating behavior
- Treat co-occurring psychiatric disorders
- Reframe cognitive distortions
- Create positive body image perception
- Support the family in recovery
- Develop a structured aftercare program and relapse prevention plan
- Integrated real world educational experiences
If you are ready to discuss treatment for yourself or a loved one, the Fairwinds admissions team is here to help.