If depictions of high school and college in TV shows and movies are to be believed, adolescence and early adulthood are all about experimentation. Alcohol and substance abuse are featured prevalently and often glorified. Many teenagers may emerge from these formative years with little more than a few vague memories of raging hangovers, but for those who are susceptible to addiction, it can mark the start of a life-consuming problem.
So what exactly can be done to curb a trend that has been so normalized? NPR recently covered a few avenues of intervention that have been attempted across the country, including the effect of mandatory drug tests on student populations. Ultimately, though, it seems that the key to stopping drug abuse in its tracks may be more community-based.
"A survey of high school students found that the possibility that they might face drug testing didn't really discourage students from alcohol, cigarettes or marijuana," the source reports. "But students who thought their school had a positive environment were less apt to try cigarettes and pot."
There is no single driving force behind addiction, but a lack of security and support can certainly contribute to an overarching need to escape. That's exactly why we focus on a family-centric model at our alcohol and drug treatment center in Florida. If you are concerned that someone you love is battling addiction, there is no time like the present to consult a specialist. At Fairwinds Treatment Center, we will work to unearth any issues that may be fueling your loved one's destructive habits to facilitate a full recovery.