Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Tampa FL

Live Free of Fear

Everyone has a daily routine and a certain way they like things done. But when a routine becomes an obsessive ritual, it’s time to get help. Our experts are trained to recognize compulsions and provide coping mechanisms to treat obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

OCD is a vicious cycle of repeated feelings, ideas, thoughts, sensations and behaviors that drive individuals to a compulsion. For example, the fear of dirt or contamination may lead to obsessive hand-washing and avoidance of social situations due to germs.

Sometimes, the fear is so intense and so gripping that those suffering from OCD feel they may harm themselves or others if they cannot complete their rituals. For these reasons, many turn to drugs, alcohol or restrictive eating to deal with their anxiety.

Symptoms of OCD

While there are many different types of compulsions, some of the most common include:

Programs for Every Part of Your Journey

At Fairwinds Treatment Center, we understand how scary it can be to give up your rituals. We’re here to help, every step of the way. Our individualized treatment plans are designed to help you conquer obsessive thoughts and overcome your addiction, once and for all. Your OCD treatment plan may include:
Drugs and alcohol often make OCD symptoms worse; our team can help you transition from detox and manage your withdrawal systems.
Psychotherapy may be provided in individual, family or group settings; medications to alleviate symptoms may also be prescribed by your psychiatrist.
A dedicated team of psychiatrists, nurses, physicians and therapists monitors your progress and makes adjustments as needed to ensure your continued success.
“I know you’ll be helping others just like you helped me.”
Fairwinds Treatment Center Tampa FL

Take the first step toward recovery today.