Dr. M.K. (Khal) El-Yousef founded Fairwinds Treatment Center in 1989 in order to help people who suffer from drug addiction problems. Dr. El-Yousef pioneered a dual diagnosis methodology, which combines clinical treatment with therapeutic counseling, to fully heal individuals both inside and out. Many physicians are primarily concerned with patients' physical improvement, but for enduring wellness it's also necessary to treat underlying, often undiagnosed, mental and emotional conditions.
An Indiana University researcher recently conducted a study of teenagers that found young people's drinking habits were influenced most heavily by whether or not their close friends consumed alcohol, while the behavior of the peer group at large was actually less influential. So, if a student perceived that most of their classmates were drinking but none of their close friends were, then they were unlikely to drink alcohol at all.
Researchers also found that it didn't matter how significant a friend's drinking habits were, but rather it was the number of drinking friends that mattered. According to the study, one friend who drinks heavily is less likely to be influential than two friends who both drink moderately.
"We're spending our time changing perceptions of the broader peer group, but really what might be the more key determinant of teen alcohol use is what's going on in their own friend group," one of the study's authors said. "Really working to encourage teens to make friendships with non-alcohol-using friends could be one of the more effective things parents can do to help."
If you believe your child might have a problematic relationship with alcohol, reach out to Fairwinds Treatment Center. Our professional health experts are here to assist you and your family with the healing and recovery process. We're one of the country's premiere dual diagnosis treatment centers, so contact us about your concerns today.