Fairwinds Treatment Center Tampa FL

As We Strengthen Families, We Strengthen Society

Since 1989, our mission has been to help get families back together. We specialize in getting to the root of your addiction, so you have the best chance at recovery.

Why Fairwinds?

Our staff is made up of the top physicians, therapists, counselors and medical professionals in behavioral medicine.
Our proven treatment model addresses eating disorders and substance abuse along with any co-occurring mental illness to ensure a true recovery.
Our team develops an integrated treatment plan for your unique circumstances, monitors your progress and makes updates as needed to keep you moving forward.
Our care is constant as well as compassionate. While staying at Fairwinds, you are under 24/7 medically supervised care by a team who is fully committed to your recovery.
Our programs work because they are based around psychiatric care. As part of your treatment program, you meet with a psychiatrist every single day.

About Fairwinds

Fairwinds has operated as a dual-licensed treatment facility since opening our doors in 1989. From the very beginning, we’ve understood the fact that no one chooses addiction. Rather, people turn to eating disorders, drugs and alcohol to cope with emotional pain—which is usually caused by a treatable mental illness. Our proven approach of treating co-occurring mental illnesses has led to Fairwinds being recognized as a true pioneer in both dual diagnosis. We are one of few dual-licensed psychiatric and substance abuse centers in the nation to earn accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Most importantly, our efforts have resulted in children getting their mothers and fathers back. Spouses being reunited with their other half. And parents reconnecting with their teenagers. As we heal addictions, we heal families. And as we strengthen families, we strengthen society.

Alumni - The Journey to Recovery

Mental health treatment

Treatment Modalities

Our individualized treatment plans address all of the disorders in a single integrated approach, working with a group of professionals. Each patient is designated their own therapist who will work with them during the treatment process. Each individual is also able to see a psychiatrist each day to help with their individualized treatment. Our treatment’s success is based on many different types of therapy including individual, group, art, and family therapy, also combining medication with talk therapy. At Fairwinds we also emphasize the importance of family and loved ones. Our treatment encourages each patient functioning within the family unit. We understand that addiction and eating disorders affect everyone in our patients’ lives, so families are asked to actively participate in family therapy and multi-family groups. Individualized treatment programs may include any or the following:
Clients attend individual counseling sessions to discuss different aspects of their lives and difficulties they may have in solving some of their problems associated with their eating disorder or drug and alcohol addiction(s). Many people experience counseling as a safe place to share their deepest thoughts and feelings without judgment. As the relationship between the client and the therapist develops, therapy can provide a framework where one can create the life he or she desires. There is something very healing that occurs when the client can feel understood in an atmosphere of safety and acceptance. At Fairwinds Treatment Center, individual psychotherapy is just one of several models used for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, as well as for drug and alcohol rehab, or to treat co-occurring conditions. Our eating disorders treatment and drug and alcohol rehab programs feature unique sets of treatment modalities. These modalities and objectives can be facilitated separately or in conjunction with each other, depending on the individual needs of our clients. This focus on dual diagnosis treatment services for eating disorders and drug or alcohol rehab is what makes our approach to treatment so successful.

Based on the Cognitive Model of Emotional Response, CBT works from the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations and events. The benefit of this fact is that we can change the way we think to feel and act better even if the situation does not change. CBT has a solid evidence base in terms of its effectiveness in reducing symptoms and preventing relapse.

The purpose of DBT is to help the client get into a state of mind referred to as “wise mind”. Wise mind is the middle ground in the dialectic between rational mind and emotional mind. To be too far on the side of rational mind would mean focusing only things, such as facts and figures, and ignoring and suppressing emotion. To be too far on the side of emotional mind would mean being so blinded by strong emotions that one would not be able to consider the facts.
Radically Open-Dialectical Behavior Therapy, known as RO-DBT, is a form of transdiagnostic treatment designed to address a spectrum of difficult-to-treat disorders sharing similar phenotypic and genotypic features associated with maladaptive over-control-such as anorexia nervosa, chronic depression, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Over-control has been linked to social isolation, aloof and distant relationships, cognitive rigidity, high detailed focused processing, risk aversion, strong needs for structure, inhibited emotional expression, and hyper-perfectionism. While resting on the dialectical underpinnings of standard DBT, the therapeutic strategies, core skills, and theoretical perspectives in RO-DBT often substantially differ.

Realizing that eating disorders and drug and alcohol addictions affect not only the patient but the entire family, it is important to involve family members in the recovery process. During these treatment sessions, the client’s disorder is explored within the context of the family’s communication patterns, values and belief system, rules, roles and expectations. Fairwinds Treatment Center may also explore the need for marital or “significant other” sessions at our private facility and make appropriate referrals in the discharge plan for continued maintenance.

weekly sessions with the family therapist
weekly contact with the Psychiatrist as needed
weekly multi family group
weekly family visiting hours
At Fairwinds Treatment Center, individual family therapy is just one of several models used for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, as well as for drug and alcohol rehab, or to treat co-occurring conditions. Our eating disorders treatment and drug and alcohol rehab programs feature unique sets of treatment modalities. These modalities and objectives can be facilitated separately or in conjunction with each other, depending on the individual needs of our clients. This focus on dual diagnosis treatment services for eating disorders and drug or alcohol rehab is what makes our approach to treatment so successful.

Family Systems Therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that works with families and couples in intimate relationships to nurture change and development. Viewed in terms of the systems of interaction between family members, the therapy emphasizes family relationships as an important factor in psychological health. Therefore, the family is an integral part of the recovery process and is fundamentally included as part of the overall solution. Fairwinds Treatment Center’s inpatient eating disorders treatment program and drug and alcohol rehab feature unique sets of treatment modalities. These modalities and objectives can be facilitated separately or in conjunction with each other, depending on the individual needs of our clients. This focus on dual diagnosis treatment services for eating disorders, such as Anorexia, and drug and alcohol rehab is what makes our approach to treatment so successful.
Our registered dietician conducts individual sessions to assist clients in developing menu plans. After each menu planning session, the registered dietician reviews all of the meals, beverages, condiments and snacks for caloric adequacy and makes any necessary additions. Clients earn individual time with the registered dietician as they improve and work through the levels during treatment. Weekly nutrition education classes rotate on a bi-monthly basis.
The purpose of therapeutic meals is to create an environment in which clients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia can consume all of their prescribed calories with the least discomfort possible. Through this process, our goal is that clients are able to experience satiety without feeling the need to purge, and that eventually meals become enjoyable. It is our sincere hope that every client is able to relinquish his or her obsession with calories and compulsive behaviors surrounding food.
At Fairwinds Treatment Center , we believe that expression in art stimulates fantasy, creativity and spontaneous, unconscious imagery. It offers the possibility of creating a self-reflection, or an image of oneself and one’s world, from which it is possible to separate and gain distance. In this way, the art object may provide self-confrontation and perspective. Art making may be an occasion for joy and fun, as well as for serious contemplation. Materials are manipulated to form beautiful, strange, bizarre, ugly, pleasing and amusing images. To view the work of one’s own hands can be an exhilarating experience. It can also be frustrating when one feels discouraged from being unable to express visually what one has in mind. Nevertheless, the artist is in control to create whatever the imagination prompts. One may modify the world or create an entirely new world. Whereas art making can occur in solitude, therapy implies a relationship between at least two people, one of whom is the therapist and one who is the client. This “therapeutic alliance” implies working together, rather than one person doing something to or for another. Many people who are in an eating disorder treatment program, or undergoing drug and alcohol rehab, experience an understanding and nonjudgmental support in therapy they have never had before. And many find in themselves strengths and a beauty that they didn’t know existed. The self-expression and exploration that are part of art making combine with the positive personal development fostered by the therapeutic alliance to form a new way of self-expression and discovery. Benefits of art therapy include: Enhanced creativity and imagination Increased self-esteem and confidence Increased personal autonomy and motivation The opportunity to express feelings, emotions and conflicts Interaction with others thereby enhancing social skills Enhanced senses through the use of various art materials increasing one’s awareness of his or her environment At Fairwinds Treatment Center, our art therapy program is just one of several models used for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, as well as for drug and alcohol rehab, or to treat co-occurring conditions.
Fairwinds Treatment Center utilizes an eclectic array of activities within our fitness program to help the client achieve increased overall physical and mental health. Improvements in self-esteem and depression have been documented with the implementation of wellness programming. Fairwinds has designed an activity pyramid to help our clients who are dealing with eating disorders or drug and alcohol addiction, build on activities in a balanced and healthy manner: Fitness walk/jog Stretching, yoga, relaxation, meditation Leisure skills Aerobics Recreational outings Aqua activities ( in season) At Fairwinds Treatment Center, our fitness/wellness groups are just one of several models used for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, as well as for drug and alcohol rehab, or to treat co-occurring conditions. Our inpatient eating disorders treatment and drug and alcohol rehab programs feature unique sets of treatment modalities. These modalities and objectives can be facilitated separately or in conjunction with each other, depending on the individual needs of our clients. This focus on dual diagnosis treatment services for eating disorders and drug or alcohol rehab is what makes our approach to treatment so successful.
Fairwinds Treatment Center utilizes an eclectic array of activities within our fitness program to help the client achieve increased overall physical and mental health. Improvements in self-esteem and depression have been documented with the implementation of wellness programming. Fairwinds has designed an activity pyramid to help our clients who are dealing with eating disorders or drug and alcohol addiction, build on activities in a balanced and healthy manner: Fitness walk/jog Stretching, yoga, relaxation, meditation Leisure skills Aerobics Recreational outings Aqua activities ( in season) At Fairwinds Treatment Center, our fitness/wellness groups are just one of several models used for the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, as well as for drug and alcohol rehab, or to treat co-occurring conditions. Our inpatient eating disorders treatment and drug and alcohol rehab programs feature unique sets of treatment modalities. These modalities and objectives can be facilitated separately or in conjunction with each other, depending on the individual needs of our clients. This focus on dual diagnosis treatment services for eating disorders and drug or alcohol rehab is what makes our approach to treatment so successful.
A Twelve-Step program is a set of guiding principles for recovery from addictive, compulsive, or other behavioral problems. Originally developed by the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for recovery from alcoholism, this method has been adapted as a foundation for a number of Twelve-Step programs. As summarized by the American Psychological Association, working the Twelve Steps involves the following: Admitting that one can not control one’s addiction or compulsion Recognizing a greater power that can give strength Examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member) Making amends for these errors Learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior Helping others who suffer from the same addictions or compulsions.
Fairwinds Treatment Center Tampa FL

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